
The Murray State University Racer Football Team
The Dream  Playbook Workshop


Marc is uniquely gifted to customize presentations for companies and organizations on many levels. His background in the hospitality industry and education gives him a great understanding  of  how to add value to everyone in attendance.  He recognizes how to engage in topics and ideas that enhances  personal and professional development.
"Marc Murray gave an inspirational message on Mental Wellness and Dream-Building to over 15 schools in attendance at our Student Government Conference. His presentation is priceless and can change your life!"

Isabella Soto
SGA President
Park Visa High School
The Communication Gauntlet was presented to executives and Talent Coach Cara Roberts at The Broward County Aviation Department. Marc conducted two, 3 hour interactive classes that addressed the importance of knowing how to maximize communication skills in a multi-generational workplace. The powerpoint presentation was a customized and researched by Life Coach Marc Murray. 
Marc has a great relationship with local organizations in Palm Beach County. One of the most successful and purposeful is Best Foot Forward.  It has been over ten years since Marc first delivered his powerful Dream-board presentation this organization. Best Forward is a 501(c)3 agency that offers programs for foster care youth to provide the opportunity for academic success.
The mission of Take Stock in Children is to break the cycle of poverty for low income, academically qualified students by providing opportunities  for post secondary education. Marc served as the speaker on two occasions for the Take Stock in Children Scholarship Graduation ceremony.
Marc and Beta Club students at his alma matter Forest Hill High School.
 "I believe everyone should have the Dream Playbook in their personal library especially millennials. The stories I share are very practical and simple, but hold enough substance to bring value to how we make decisions in everyday life. It's a short read that moves quickly from one concept to the next. 
Some things are better caught than taught." 
 The Dream Playbook

If you allow them, some people will keep you from your dreams-but there are others who will help you reach your dreams if you allow them into your life.

Life Coach Marc Murray has experienced great levels of success in the field of hospitality, education and athletics while motivating and developing others. He understands the sighnificance of recognizing the right people and strategies needed to build a playbook for a promising future. 

Drawing from the lessons learned, he reveals how to:
  • align yourself with the people whose values coincide with your own
  • develop a sound playbook that will galvanize you to take meaningful actions;
  • cultivate and offensive frame of mind to fuel your dreams;and
  • check off objectives within a desired timeframe.
In life, we all need to have reliable formations and sound plays to capture what we want. Some plays are designed for short gains and others for long yardage-and there are some that should be in everyones' playbook, including yours.
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