The Dream Playbook
If you allow them, some people will keep you from your dreams-but there are others who will help you reach your dreams if you allow them into your life.
Life Coach Marc Murray has experienced great levels of success in the field of hospitality, education and athletics while motivating and developing others. He understands the sighnificance of recognizing the right people and strategies needed to build a playbook for a promising future.
Drawing from the lessons learned, he reveals how to:
- align yourself with the people whose values coincide with your own
- develop a sound playbook that will galvanize you to take meaningful actions;
- cultivate and offensive frame of mind to fuel your dreams;and
- check off objectives within a desired timeframe.
In life, we all need to have reliable formations and sound plays to capture what we want. Some plays are designed for short gains and others for long yardage-and there are some that should be in everyones' playbook, including yours.